Boston Marathon Bombing

Before understanding what took place in Boston and the bombs that went off, it is urgent that readers know about Urban Shield. An establishment that specializes in planned exercises that simulate situations such as terrorist attacks and training for first responder teams. To see the operation in practice click here.
It is vital to watch the short 5 minute video before continuing.

Our own government acknowledged that this organization was conducting a drill in Boston during the date of the marathon (for you non-believers).

When we combine these drills with Hollywood’s green screen tecnology, the possibilities are endless.

Before we get going, it’s worth pointing out that the last mile of this marathon was dedicated to “the memory of the Sandy Hook victims”. (Which as we know, was a drill).
Also note worthy, the bombing suspect of this marathon Tamerlan Tsarnaev, became a U.S. citizen on -none other than- September 11, 2012.
(It is comical how they keep using dates of other known staged attacks in future hoaxes).

The following image is a screen capture of the above video showing participants involved in the drill with fake wounds:


And here we have an official image from the bombing in Boston:


(Use your zoom in feature). So, a few observations in the Boston photo: besides the glaring, hilarious subliminal devil horns message, is that a shard of wood in her head? If so, the backpack bomb explosion was not remotely near any wooden objects. Secondly, why is the sharp side of the object exposed and the larger/rounder side embedded? For this object to have the kind of velocity it needed to stick in her head, she would have been knocked unconscious first and thrown into convulsions. If you think both sides of the object were sharp, (with how thick the entry wound is) it’s safe to say it would of been instant death and she surely would have buckets of blood pouring out of her.
Speaking of blood, notice the inconsistent stream of blood on her hand. Appear then disappear? The front side of her shirt is drenched in blood but she only has a thin stream coming from her head. There is no dried up blood on her face so where did the blood soaked shirt come from? [Let me guess, she was also impaled through her heart…but lived to tell.]
Having first hand experience with many head wounds myself, even a small knick had an inappropriate amount of blood coming from it.

The smoking gun to me is her hair. Did her bangs miraculously part like the Red Sea as the shard entered her head? With the force and velocity of the explosion, we would expect to see some of her bangs caught underneith the shard, no?
If you are still unconvinced about this farce, take a second and think about the trajectory needed for the shard to enter her head on that angle. The bomb was on the ground folks. Was this fake bitch on all fours sniffing the backpack as it exploded? Absolutely ridiculous.

Or maybe, just maybe, the actor was trying really hard to emulate the logo that the runners wear:


Laughing yet?

Here is a photo of our fellow cowboy Carlos in action:


What would a crisis be without at least one heroic image of the American flag waving ever so beautifully in the midst of mayhem? During limbs being blown and splattered into the air this guy felt the need to rescue the flag and hold on to his cowboy hat for dear life. Imagine not knowing if more bombs were planted and running to save the nearest … flag? Are you F’ing kidding me? Was that the ideal time to let your patriotism shine? This clown is performing a balancing act on a fallen fence holding objects in both hands during death and destruction. This photo screams a scripted scenario.

How about the shattered glass on the outside of the building. Wouldn’t a bomb in front of the building blow the glass inside? Someone’s lying about where the backpack bomb was or the explosions in general.

Now let’s take a look at some real shenanigans. Notice the hooded guy who kept his shades on sitting in the center of the above image (it’s no accident that you didn’t see him the first time; he was supposed to blend in well). He couldn’t of been that badly injured since he is sitting up looking absurdly sneaky. In fact, our hooded hero was seen tending to a badly hurt victim:


The person he was kneeling over had both legs blown clean off. Is hoodie man tying a tourniquet around the victims legs with dark sunglasses on? Or is he up to far more nefarious deeds (like spilling fake blood and attaching prosthetic legs). Where is the blood that should be spurting everywhere from legless man?
What does the next frame show?:


Oh, there is a black woman conveiniently thrown in between Mr. Hoodie and Mr. NoLegs blocking the view. Of all the free space available these 3 people land snuggled up in a tight huddle. What is Hoodie man holding in his hands and why did he have it on his person? Do you bring black wires to a marathon? Whatever he is doing, he’s doing it fast because the next frame shows us:


Mr. Hoodie is starting to back away. The man who had his legs blown off has his left leg pointed at Mr. Hoodie’s chest. Where is the blood? Towards the end of these frames our legless actor emerges with a stump sticking in the air:


I can almost hear the conversation going on in the ear-piece under the hoodie: “all props in place, blood spilled. Ready for next sequence”. “Roger that, now play hurt”:

Injured people and debris lie on the sidewalk near the Boston Marathon finish line following an explosion in Boston, Monday, April 15, 2013. (AP Photo/MetroWest Daily News, Ken McGagh)  MANDATORY CREDIT
Injured people and debris lie on the sidewalk near the Boston Marathon finish line following an explosion in Boston, Monday, April 15, 2013. (AP Photo/MetroWest Daily News, Ken McGagh) MANDATORY CREDIT

Mr. Hoodie takes a nice relaxing breather while our brave, flag-weilding, patriotic cowboy Carlos roots for his favorite team from the sidelines. (Notice the big open space to the left of this scene. What I see is an isolated pocket of crisis actors with camera men strategically in place). Where did the hundreds of injured people go? Were these select few waiting around for paramedics to come back? (Or did they need to stay on the ground long enough to get their picture taken?)
NoLegs McGee also seems to have disappeared during the above frame but he magically reappears in the following seconds:


Holding his thigh in supposed agony but the expression on his face says “another day at the office”. Hoodie guy was just full of energy but now he is holding his head in pain being tended to while a man with his legs blown off is being ignored? What…the…
Our action-blocker black woman friend seems to have made an escape in this frame as well. That was fast huh?
I bet you would like a closer/clearer shot of that blood splattered scene to satisfy your dark desires wouldn’t you. Comin’ right up:


Is that a natural color of blood; a super glossy, high tint of red? The blood in my body is almost purple when oxygen hits it. He is getting better with the facial expression act, but looks half-hearted still. Up near his ass cheek we can see that his leg line is awfully straight; like it was artifically attached.
Also an item of interest is the pristine blue latex glove. Was it used as a reference point for the placement of blood? It seems to have an invisible force field keeping the blood away from it.

Our dearest cowboy finally decides to drop the flag and helps push our Herman Munster look-a-like out of the scene:


Do you see a blood trail under the wheelchair? Can a tourniquet stop bleeding completely from severed legs? Could you tie that same professional tourniquet twice; under the pressure of not knowing if you might get blown up next?
Maybe that’s a bad angle to see a blood trail, let’s have a different shot:


Nope. Nada. Perhaps he bled out and is super human and never passed out?
Gotta love the expressionless face on someone in his condition as well. Stunningly stupid. By the way, unless this guy is 8 foot tall, that’s an abnormally long leg shape. Stare at it; does that look right? What about the oriental girl’s legs who is pushing, does that set of legs fit her upper half? They look as though they are a block behind. Besides, her stride does not match the incredibly video game-like long strides the EMT guy is taking.
And anyway, who puts a double leg amputee in a wheelchair seconds after an accident? (Ever have a small cut and when you apply pressure close to the area of the wound the pain intensifies?) Legless Jeff performs a seemingly painless balancing act on his ass while zooming down the street with no expression. Other victims with much more minor injuries recieved a stretcher. Poor Jeff.
It is very strange that in all the footage and images of NoLegs Jeff, his body is always in the same “wheelchair riding” position. How could this be? It’s as though he was photoshopped into certain sequences and they simply moved his head around a little bit to accompany his surroundings.

I’d like to sidetrack and clue you in on the extent that these sickos will go to, to make events believable.
So our legless wonder, Jeff, has past photos of himself on social media websites. There are many to disect, but let’s have some fun with this one in particular:


To an untrained eye, all you’d see is a few buddies getting their picture taken. (Please click on the image, then zoom in to follow along with my analysis). Bring your attention to the kid in the middle’s left arm perched around a younger legless Jeff. Can a human arm bend like that? Is that the same arm?
Next, look at Jeff’s (on right) stubble mustache in the normal sized image. Looks fine right? After clicking the image and zooming in, his mustache suddenly doesn’t match his mouth or he clearly doesn’t know how to shave. As a matter of fact, once zoomed in, that mouth doesn’t even belong on that face! What is going on here?
When images are blown up (or zoomed in enough) we begin to see pixels, the components that make up all images. The pixels around Jeff’s mouth begin to not match with his face once zoomed in enough. The pixel lines, or squares, seem to be added in on top of a different layer.
How about those red eyes that two of these kids have? Once you click and zoom, you can see around the red eyes has some pixels that were left red. (Especially the kid on the left. Zoom on his left eye – how in God’s name is the white part of the eye on top of the eyelash! WTF). Our iris can turn red in some flash photography; but I had no idea our eyelashes and skin around the eye could reflect red light. (?).
What a sloppy photoshop job.
We can actually see altered pixel lines going all the way across the entire image at their eye level. This does not happen in authentic images folks. Have some fun noticing all the touched up pixel squares, there are many.
The red eye coloring was someone’s attempt at making the photo appear natural but fails miserably when held under a microscope.

100% fabricated image.

Let’s take a look at some other oddities in various other images from this failure of a real event:

In the upper left on the roof, the American flag is blowing in the wind to the right, yet, the ground level American flag is blowing to the left. (?)
The “bombs” obviously just exploded when this photo was taken, as we can see the smoke. Why then, is there a paramedics stretcher – waiting to hop into action – in the bottom-right tucked away behind the finish line? Was someone expecting a tragedy? Hmm.
Then we have Mr. Yellow outfit in the very far bottom left. Everyone else has their heads turned towards the explosion but this guy is calmly playing on his phone or camera. A little peculiar if you ask me.
Now I ask you to zoom in to where the country flags are where the bomb went off. Behind the barrier, do you see even a resemblence of a human? Looks empty to me.

(A very likely scenario is the crisis actors were waiting inside the LensCrafters store [the backpack was dropped in front of it] for some device to deliver the smoke so they could burst out and get in position for the fakery).

After all the victims were cleared away the public was treated to images such as:


As it happens, another photo was snapped on the ground directly in front of the black fence (seen in the above image) during the mayhem:


Why was extra trash, debris and blood added to the aftermath photo? Maybe to add to the horror and make it an easier sell by the media? Me thinks yes.
Even funnier still, is take a look at the wooden table behind the black fence in the ground level image. Seems fine right?
In the aftermath photo, that table has been flipped and destroyed. Why? Was a spectator not able to contain his anger for the bomber and went on a smashing-stuff spree? Did the bomb-squad flip it to look under it? (LOL). Tazmainian Devil? Something? … Complete loss of words.
If your mind is not boggled enough, as you enlarge the wooden table in the ground view image, we can see the table is behind AND in front of the rails that hold the fence up (???!). Crystal clear proof that this, along with other, if not all, of the images from this event have been tampered with.

Here is another gem of a fellow helping a victim on the ground:


Get your photoshop goggles out because where is this guy’s right shoulder? Double jointed, perhaps. Zoom in on his hand that’s near his ass, whoa buddy, were you born with that many fingers?
Maybe a foot in front of this mingling couple is a poster that was attached to the fence. This poster had writing from an add on it. Can anyone in this universe explain to me how the man’s leg gets behind the writing on the poster?
Or how the Boston Athletic bumper sticker looks unscathed when the poster board it was stuck to got chipped off. No, not fishy at all…
(There is not a hand big enough for the facepalm I’d like to do).

But probably the stinkiest pile of horse shit of the cess-pool of images comes from this iconic photo:


I hope by now readers of my blog have had a few impossibilities jump out while viewing images that I put up. In the above comedy, your eyes should of went straight to the hopeless and unacceptable reflection the police officers are projecting on to the missing window. If by some miracle that was originally a double-pane of glass and the inner pane remained intact, consider where the camera man was standing and how that angle could not have produced a reflection of the area where the police were standing. This is 2nd grade knowledge.
Now I need you to look in front of the police, in the distance. There is a man sitting in a chair (soaking up the April sun perhaps?). As we zoom in on this gentleman, we see him on his phone:


What a cool, casual fella, huh? He took remaining calm to a whole new level. Could he be any more relaxed after what just happened? Why yes, he apparently can. As seen from a different camera shot:


Upper-center, behind the tree branches. Allow me to zoom in for you:


Sitting legs crossed, hat, sunglasses, and texting during a double bombing without a care in the world! Does this dude know where he’s at? Is he a director of this show?
But I digress and will leave this sequence of imagery with one more smelly turd for you to inhale:


This is just silly. All of the images of Joe Cool were snapped after the explosions. How the hell is he all of a sudden wounded? They must have extremely low expectations of the general public to release such malarkey and expect no one to “sniff” it out.
By the way, even in a wheelchair this man is cool. I worship thee.

Security footage caught the alleged bomber walking to the scene (guy with white baseball cap) but ignore him and focus on the woman wearing a blue top carrying 3 yellow balloons on the left:


Alright, the balloons have been delivered and were hung in place (seen below in center of image):


They happen to be hung directly in front of the explosion for starters. Secondly, the shockwave and shrapnel from the bomb had enough force to rip off limbs/send shards into people’s faces/blow flags back/shatter 3 stories of store-front windows but these balloons not only survived, they were later released free into the air.
Could it be any coincidence that 3 people supposedly died in front of 3 balloons?
(Or did these balloons serve as a reminder and or, a marker for the actors).

To add insult to (fake) injuries, a lot of these victims started charities to raise funds for their medical bills. Some making close to a million dollars if not over that. Rather appalling.

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